Monday, October 20, 2008

BCHA Negotiates Solutions to Keep Trails Open Nationally

This came out the other day. Here's an excerpt below or click here for the full article.

Since 2004, Back Country Horsemen of America (BCHA) has struggled to make the US Forest Service aware of the impacts that their proposed trail classification system would have on all horse use of trails. An interim final rule on the Trails Classification System recognizes that the Forest Service has listened to BCHA and has attempted to resolve those concerns. As a result of a meeting held in Montana on October 6-8 with the Forest Service and a variety of other user groups, it is apparent that BCHA has not only renewed and strengthened their partnership with the Forest Service, but it has also gained the understanding of the other user groups attending.

Largely as a result of BCHA's 2005 litigation and negotiations on the new system, opportunities that recreational riders had before the historical system was changed in 1999 have been preserved. This will help keep public lands open for recreational horseback riding, which goes to the heart of BCHA’s mission.

.... Full Article.

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