Workshop Offered on Sustainable Small Acreage Living
“Sustainable Small Acreage Living”
Thursday, May 7, 2009 6:30 to 8:30 PM
Clark County Fire and Rescue
911 N 65th Ave Ridgefield, WA 98642
Join the Small Acreage Program for a free workshop that will provide tips, suggestions, and ideas on how to create a more sustainable small acreage property. The workshop will provide information on managing roof runoff, composting, soil improvement, protecting streams and drinking water, along with other tips and tricks to reduce chore time and save you money.
The Small Acreage Program, co-sponsored by Washington State University Clark County Extension, the Clark County Clean Water Program, and the Clark Conservation District, will provide information, handouts, and answer landowners’ questions at the workshop. Registration is free but class size is limited.
Please call 360-397-6060 ext. 0 or e-mail to register, or for more information about the WSU Clark County Extension’s Small Acreage Program.